Monday, September 15, 2008

We Survived Ike!

We "hunkered down" as we were told and took in some evacuees on Thursday night (Mom, Dad, Lauren, Angie, and Chico). We lost power a couple of hours before Ike hit on Friday night and things got HOT. Mom, Dad, Ang, and Lauren left late Saturday afternoon and made their way to the air conditioning in Greenville, TX with no problem. We toughed out the heat until Sunday afternoon when we made our way to Jaime's house in Katy (Robyn, Javier, Joaquin, Chico, and our expected December arrival, who will now be referred to as "Heater.") At the same time, Claudia, Omar, and Meg made it safely to Omar's cousin's house in College Station. Our house didn't sustain any damage, but as you can see, our neighborhood took a beating. Hope everyone else is also doing really well and getting some air and ice.

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