Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our giant baby is 6 months old!!!

Today, I finally gave in and just pulled clothes right out of Joaquin's drawer and put them on Emilio. Emilio had his 6 month check up. He is 27 inches long and weighs 18 pounds, 8 ounces. That's 75th percentile weight and 90th percentile height. Where did this kid come from? Joaquin was heartbroken when Emilio had his shots, so they both screamed for awhile. Poor babies.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Friday was a fun day to celebrate Joaquin's Mother's Day Out program getting out for the summer. Javier took the boys. Today we were finally able to get some pictures of the boys with their new baby cousin Gabriela, who was born on the 5th. We recently purchased a chair for Emilio to use in the tub, so that the boys could bathe together. Big surprise, bathing them is still a 2 person job.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday at the Zoo